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Is Now A Good Time To Invest In A Hybrid Solar Inverter For Your Home?| FT Technical

Is now the right time to invest in a hybrid solar inverter? This is one of the few questions that experts at FT Technical often receive from their customers. If you need an answer to this question, then you’re at the right place. As you continue reading this inverter-related blog you’ll learn:

  • What exactly is a hybrid solar inverter?
  • How does a solar-powered hybrid inverter work?
  • When is the right time to invest in a solar hybrid inverter?


Understanding Hybrid Solar Inverter

Today, solar inverters are available in three main types—off-grid, on-grid, and hybrid solar inverters. The on-grid options are ideal for solar systems that work or connect to the electricity grid. The off-grid inverters work with off-grid solar power systems to convert DC electricity to AC electricity.

Unlike off-grid and on-grid inverters, hybrid solar inverters are ideal for both grid-tied and off-grid solar systems. These hybrid inverters, which could either be an internally- or externally-mounted device, also help to convert DC power to AC power. That’s not all; solar-powered hybrid inverters can also convert AC power from your utility into direct current for battery storage purposes.


Here’s Exactly How Solar-Powered Hybrid Inverters Work

Today, the best hybrid solar inverters, which you can shop for at FT Technical, work with the help of advanced control technologies. These technologies make it pretty easy for the inverter to convert direct current into AC power—which constantly changes direction.

The solar panel inverter often comes with photovoltaic cells. These PV cells help to generate DC electricity when exposed directly to sunlight. The inverter further converts the generated DC electricity into AC power—this is what you need to power your home appliances.

Furthermore, the best hybrid solar inverters also help to convert excess solar energy into DC power. This DC power is important to keep your batteries charged. During a grid outage, the charged batteries will provide the necessary power, which the inverter will convert into AC power for your home use.


4 Warning Signs You Need To Invest In A Hybrid Solar Inverter Today

Now is certainly the right time to invest in a hybrid solar inverter at FT Technical if you currently experience the following signs:

  1. Frequent power outages—it makes a lot of sense to go for a solar-powered hybrid inverter if you currently experience frequent power outages.
  2. Poor solar system—is your current solar power system failing to store excess energy? Do you frequently experience downtime with the solar system due to lack of sunlight? If yes, then we recommend investing in a hybrid solar inverter today. The right product will help you store power in batteries for use any time you need it.
  3. High electricity bills—a significant rise in your energy bills is certainly a good reason to invest in a solar-powered hybrid inverter. With a suitable inverter, you’ll be able to lower your reliance on the electricity grid.
  4. Excess production of solar energy—this happens when your solar panels generate excess energy that your home needs or can store. In this case, a hybrid solar inverter is all you need to store the over-produced energy in batteries for future use.

Visit FT Technical today to find the best hybrid solar inverters for your home or commercial needs.

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